Background Checks and Locates

We do background checks for people considering romantic relationships, companies considering potential employees or attorneys checking witnesses.

If you’ve met someone special on the web, through social networking or a dating site, you might want to check their bonafides before things go too far. If you are interested in pursuing this, you can call us at 206-526-1300, or email us at We’ll send you detailed information on personal searches.

We do basic background checks and deep background checks that may involve observation, phone calls, or meeting with people. Deep background checks are available only in western Washington.

We do checks for individuals, companies and attorneys.

We can tell you whether a health care worker has negative reports or whether that sweet looking young woman is actually a licensed exotic dancer. We can often determine marital and divorce status. And of course, we can identify sex offenders, reveal criminal pasts and uncover lousy driving records. We also search the web to see what kind of personality the person in projecting to the world.

If you are searching for someone, we can find them if we have enough information.



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